his is the definitive Permaculture design manual in print since 1988. It is the textbook and curriculum for the 72-hour Certificate course in Permaculture Design.
Written for teachers, students and designers, it follows on and greatly enlarges on the initial introductory texts, Permaculture One (1978) and Permaculture Two (1979) both of which are still in demand.
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ill realised there was so much degraded landscape to tend to, the job wouldn’t get done if it was only he spreading the system. At this stage the university professor in Bill re-surfaced and he set about teaching Permaculture design strategies in organised courses, with an additional desired outcome of producing teachers of the design strategies. Thus, exponentiating himself (is that a word?). So what do teachers of a course require? – but a curriculum of course. Hence, he set about writing the curriculum for the 72 hour Permaculture Design Certificate Course and the Manual was delivered. Captivating in every way through image, word, philosophy, strategy and research, it remains our best seller
This book is about designing sustainable human settlements, and preserving and extending natural systems.
It covers designing and maintaining a cultivated ecology in any climate: the principles of design; design methods; understanding patterns in nature; climatic factors; water; soils; earthworks; techniques and strategies in the different climatic types; aquaculture; and the social, legal, and economic design of human settlement.
Very little of the material found in this book is reproduced from the former texts. It covers design methodologies and strategies for both urban and rural applications, describing property design and natural farming techniques.
PERMACULTURE: A Designers’ Manual by Bill Mollison