Bikol phrasebook


Bicol (Bikol) is a language spoken by people in the Bicol Region on southeastern Luzon in the Philippines. It was highly influenced by the Spanish language. The Bicol languages are a group of Central Philippine languages spoken mostly on the Bicol Peninsula of the island of Luzon and also parts of Catanduanes and Burias Islands and Masbate province. There is a dialect continuum between the Visayan languages and the Bicol languages; the two together are called the Bisacol languages. Central Bicol or commonly called as Bicol-Legazpi or Bicol-Naga is the most spoken language in the Bicol Region of southern Luzon. It is spoken in the northern and western part of Camarines Sur, second congressional district of Camarines Norte, eastern part of Albay, northeastern part of Sorsogon, San Pascual town of Masbate and southwestern part of Catanduanes. Central Bicol speakers can be found in all the provinces in Bicol and it is a majority language in Camarines Sur. The standard Sprachraum form is based on the Canaman dialect.

Pronunciation guide

Accent marks

Diacritics (tandang panduon) are normally not written in everyday usage, be it in publications or personal correspondence. The teaching of diacritics is inconsistent in Philippine schools and many Bicolanos do not know how to use them. However, diacritics are normally used in dictionaries and in textbooks aimed at teaching the languages to foreigners.
There are three kinds of diacritics used in Bicol

;Acute accent or pahilíg
Used to indicate primary or secondary stress on a particular syllable; marháy. It is usually omitted on words that are stressed on the penultimate (second to last) syllable; babáyi = babayi. It is possible that there is more than one stressed syllable in a word, meaning that that pahilíg mark may appear multiple times, as in Repúbliká. If there is no diacritic on the last two syllables of a word, then it means that there is stress on the penultimate syllable; kásayahan is actually stressed on two syllables

;Grave accent or paiwà
It indicates that there is a glottal stop (/ʔ/) at the end of the word; sampulò. This mark may only appear at the end of a word that ends in a vowel. This mark does not indicate stress. Therefore, following the previously stated rule on stress, sampulò is stressed on the second to the last syllable

;Circumflex accent or pakupyâ
It indicates that the final syllable of a word receives stress while there is a glottal stop (/ʔ/) that follows; udô. This is because it is a combination of the pahilíg and paiwà marks. This mark may only appear at the end of a word that ends in a vowel.


as in "week". as in "soon". ;In Bicol, two consecutive vowels are pronounced separately.


as in "kitten". as in "goat". as in "house". as in "lizard". as in "milk". as in "song". as in "rare". as in "sweet". ;For Spanish loan words, consequential diagraph is being followed.

Common diphthongs

as in "eeew".

Phrase list


; Hello. (informal) Nom. (Bicol-Legazpi) Nem. (Bicol-Legazpi) it follows the phrase anó na, which literally translates as how are you? Tará. (Bicol-Naga, also used in Bicol-Ligao) Bicol-Naga speakers no longer use this phrase because of influence from Tagalog. ; Hello. (formal) Kumusta ka.
; How are you? Kumusta ka.
; Good day. Marhay na aldaw.
Dyos marhay na aldaw Marhay na pagka-aldaw ; Good morning. Marhay na aga.
Dyos marhay na aga Marhay na pagka-aga Marhay na udto.
Dyos marhay na udto. Marhay na pagka-udto. ; Good afternoon. Marhay na hapon.
Dyos marhay na hapon. Marhay na pagkahapon. ; Good evening. Marhay na banggí.
Dyos marháy na banggí. Marhay na pagkabanggí. ;To you all. (said after saying "good morning", etc. but optional)
some speakers prefer "saindong gabos" while others prefer "saindo gabos" without -ng. ;Welcome to ___. (place) Maugmang Pag-abot sa ____ .(place) ;Merry Christmas.
Maugmang Pasko. ;Happy New Year.
Maugmang Bàgong Taon.


;Where do you live? Saín ka nakaistar?
Saín ka tabì nakaistar? (polite) Taga saín ka? ;How old are you? Pirá na an edad mo?
Pirá na tabì an edad mo? (polite) ; Fine, thank you. Marhay man. Salamat.
; What is your name? Ano an pangaran mo?
; My name is. Ako si ___ .
; Nice to meet you. Kaugmahan kong mamidbidan ka. (one person) Kaugmahan kong mamidbidan kamo. (two or more person)

Sample words, phrases, and sentences

;It's too late.
Hurí na. (Bicol Naga) Hudyanon na. (Bicol Legazpi) ;This is it.
Iyó na iní. ;This is really it.
Iyó na nanggad ini. Iyó na man nanggad ini. Amo na ini (Bicol Sorsogon) ; I don't understand. Daí ko nasasabutan.
; Where is the toilet? Hain tabì an banyo?
;Hurry up.
Dalî dalì daw. Magdalî dalì ka. Dalî dalì saná. Mari na. (Bicol-Legazpi) Mana. (Bicol-Legazpi) Mos ná. (Bicol-Legazpi) Madyá na. (Bicol-Naga) Mari digdí. (Bicol-Legazpi)
Madyá igdi. (Bicol-Naga) ;Wait a minute. Halát mùna. Madalî saná. Madalî saná tabì. (polite) Halát mùna tabì. (polite) Máduman na ako. Mádigdi na ako. Paaram. (permanent goodbye) Bulig (Sorsogon) Tabangi ako! Maghilíng ka kan pig-agihan mo.
;Please come in. Dagos tabì.
;May I buy something (at a sari-sari store)
Mábakal tabì. (polite) Excuse me. May ihapot saná tabì ako. (lit.) I have something to ask. Tabì
; Thank you.
Salamat na marhay. Dyos mábalos. ; You're welcome. Daíng ano man.
; No problem.
Daíng problema. Wara problema (Sorsogon) Iyó tabì. (polite) Daí tabì. (polite) Bakô tabì. (polite) pasintabi po (polite)
;Let me through. paagi tabì/or po (polite)
Warâ. (Bicol-Legazpi) Warâ tabì. (polite) Mayò. (Bicol-Naga) Mayò pô. (polite) Harí. (old-fashioned) ; Forgive me. Patawada ako.
; I'm sorry. Pasinsya na tabì.
;Until next time.
Sagkód sa giraray. Hasta sa otro. Paghunà ko . ;Don't worry.
Daí ka maghàdit. Daí magparahàdit. Daí na maghàdit. Bayé paghâd-it ;Once upon a time.
Kan inot na panahon. Kadtóng panahon. Sadtong panahon. Bakóng iyó? Iyó bagá, hadí? Lain amo? (Sorsogon) ;One more, please.
Sarô pa, tabì. ;Where are you?
Hain ka? (Bicol-Legazpi) Budâ. (Bicol-Legazpi) Asin. (Bicol-Naga) ;Never mind.
Arog kainí. Siring kainí. ;Like that. (nearer to the speaker)
Siring kaán. ;Like that. (far from the speaker)
Arog kaitó. Siring kaitó. ;Join us. Let's eat.
Magkaon tabì. Kaon na kitá. Mákaon kitá. Mákaon na kitá. ;Wait for me.
Halatón mo akó. ;Mano pô. (a Filipino tradition)
Mábisa tabì. Sagkód ngunyán. Hasta niyan. (Sorsogon) ;Thank you for your trust. See you again tomorrow.
Dyos mábalos sa saindong pagtitiwalà. Maghirilingan kita liwat sa aga. (formal) Salamat sa saindong pagtitiwala. Maghirilingan kita giraray sa aga. (casual) ;Same to you.
Siring man saimo.


;I can't speak Bicol very well.
Daí ako tataó mag Bikol nin marhay. ; I can't speak name of language well. Daí ako tataó mágtaram nin (name of a language) example Ingles.
; Do you speak English? Tataó ka mag-English? ;REPLY.
;Yes, I know how.
Iyó, tataó ako. ;Just a little.
Dikit man lang. ;No, I don't know how.
;Daí, Daí ko aram kung páno.
; Is there someone here who speaks English?

Sisay tabì an tataó mag-English digdí?
===Toned speeches===
Toned speeches are speech registers unique to Bicol languages. They are used to spice up conversation. Also used to intimidate others.

English Normal Bicol Word Speech Register
house haróng, baray, balay lasngág; langág
dog ayam gadyâ; gamadyâ
old guráng gusngáb; gusgós
clothes badò lamasdô; lasdô
cat ikós kurasmág; kasmág
eyes mata malsók
food kakanon habluon; sibaón
sit down tukaw, untad ígad
speak tarám tabíl
sleep katurog katuspok; katiplâ
hand kamót kamulmóg
foot/feet bitís, siki samingkíl; samail
penis butò, tugi, lusî lamugtô
vagina bubô; bulî buráy
ear talinga, taringa talingugngóg
mouth ngimot, kimot ngurapak; ngaspák
head payó alimanták; alinták
evening banggí lusók; gabsók
dead gadán tigbák
wet dumóg tulmóg
sex kayô/kayuan/kitô bálbálon
masturbation salsal jakól


;doctor. parabulong.
;farmer. parauma.
;fisherman. parasirà.
;singer. parakantá.
;swimmer. paralangoy.
;speaker. parataram.
;dancer. parabayle.
;pedicab driver. parapadyák.
;player. parakawát.
;tailor. paratahì.
;runner. paradalagan.
;cook. paralutô.
;buyer. parabakal.
;vendor. paratindá.
;tricycle driver. paratrâysikél.
;faith Healer.
parasantigwar. ;laundry woman.

Parts of speech

pangngaran panladawan ; preposition

Water forms and land forms

; waterfalls

Parts of the body

lawas. (Bicol-Legazpi)
hawak.(Bicol-Naga) ginahawa (Northern Catanduanes) unit. (Bicol-Legazpi)
kublít. (Bicol-Naga) panit. (Northern Catanduanes) pandók. (Bicol-Legazpi)
lalawgon. (Bicol-Naga) hawong. (Northern Catanduanes) abaga.
;head. uro. (Northern Catanduanes) dungô.
;forehead. angog.
;chin. kûkô.
;underarm. yukyók.
;chest. daghán.
taringa. (Northern Catanduanes) ngiwa. (Northern Catanduanes) kiray.
;eyelashes. pilok. (Northern Catanduanes) lawoy. (Northern Catanduanes) hináng (Bicol-Legazpi)
gànot. (Bicol-Legazpi) daplós. (Bicol-Legazpi) singot. (Northern Catanduanes) takyág.
;neck. liog.
;teeth. tingó. (Northern Catanduanes) kigót. (Northern Catanduanes) buhok.
;finger. guramóy.
;thumb. tangan.
;fore finger. murô.
;index finger. gigís.
;stomach. tulák.
;sole. rapandapán.
;legs. tabáy.
;nape. luong.
;waist. iksán.
;hips. tùlang.
;mouth. ngimot.
;foot. sikí. (Northern Catanduanes) ngarós.
;brain. hutok.
;liver. katóy.
;heel. buól.
;back of the knee.

Sensations and perceptions

Note Use "daí" to mean "no" and "bakô" to mean "not".
"Daíng gayón" means "no beauty" and "bakóng magayón" means "not beautiful". Some adjectives here cannot be combined with "daí". Never say "daíng lumóy", instead say, "bakóng malumóy".
;I feel like urinating.

Nakakaihî ako. Nakakaihion ako. ;I feel like moving my bowel.
Nakakaudô ako. Nakakauduon ako. Maduhay na ako. (Northern Catanduanes) ;I don't like.
Habô kó na.
;clearly smelled.
;clearly tasted.
;clearly seen.
;clearly heard.
;clearly felt.
makaskás.(Bicol-Legazpi) makaskason.(Bicol-Legazpi) marikás. (Bicol-Naga) marikason. (Bicol-Naga) ;fast.(when walking, talking, reading, and writing only)
masigkaton. maragkuton. ;hard/tensed
pangadyion. makapúnawon. makapáhaon. ;satisfying.
makabásugon. ;stinky. (smell of urine)
mapàrat. (Bicol-Legazpi) mapàráton. (Bicol-Legazpi) mapàsit. (Bicol-Naga) mapàsíton. (Bicol-Naga) ;stinky. (smell of feces)
mabàngugon. ;pronunciation.
pagsàwod. (Bicol-Legazpi) pagsayod. (Bicol-Naga) ;much money.
makwartahon. dipisil. (Bicol-Legazpi) dipisilon.(Bicol-Legazpi) masakit. (Bicol-Naga) masakiton. (Bicol-Naga) malumyaton. makapíruton. maragamuon. nakapamiadan. ;one or both hands on chin. (feelings of sadness)
nakamurungkuan. ;darker shade. (color)
;spring. (water form)
manlaínlain. ;unpleasent.
;very. ( plus adjective )
( adjective plus ) na marhay. ;thoroughly.
( verb plus ) nin marhay. kaharayuan. lakad. (Bicol-Legazpi) lakdáng. (Bicol-Naga) ;roots. (plants)
ugay. (Bicol-Naga) sukráy. (Bicol-Legazpi) ;transparent.
kapalibután. luknóg. (Bicol-Legazpi) tungáy. (Bicol-Naga) ;taller. (height)
gading. (Bicol-Legazpi) gadíng-gading. (Bicol-Legazpi) munyikà. (Bicol-Naga) namamanwaan. dugî. (Bicol-Legazpi) labóy. (Bicol-Naga) ;cockpit arena.
;rice plant.
;rice field.
kabàsan. (Bicol-Legazpi) paruyán. (Bicol-Naga) marahayrahay patiribayan. pakurusugan. ;clothesline.
balaybayan. nálingawan. ;remembered.
nárumduman nagirumdum.. ;goosebumps.
daíng hawóng. daíng kamugtakan. ;sound of a vehicle.
kagurangnán. ;dry. (ran out of water)
;I feel tired.
Napapagál ako. Napapaoy ako. ;environment.
kapalibután. ;additional information.
dugang na impormasyon. pagírumdóm. ;even. (height)
pangiturugan. daíng laóg. daí nang laóg. mayong laog ;Napupùngaw ako.

Interrogative words


;gross. :makaatì.
;male. :lalaki.
;female. :babayi.
;smart. :matalì.
makibabayi. ;not smart. :patál.
;lazy. :hugakón.
;industrious. :mahigós.
;nasty. :baglâ.
;fearless. :pusuanon.:daing takot
;vaine. :matubís.
;selfish. :paslô.
;insane. :buabuá.
;excellent. :matibay.
;disgusting. :makauyam.
makaúyamon. usmak/usmakon ;intimidating. :makatahà.
makatáhaon. ;choosy. :mapilî.
;talkative. :tabilón.
; considerate. :mabuot.
;courageous. :makusóg an buót.
;noisy. :maribók.
;flirt. :durát.
;fierce. :maisog.
;close. :ugós.
;not close. :ugág.
;stupid. :dangág.
;tamed. (animals) :magarô.
makaúlukon. makangirit makangiriton ;scary. :makatakot.
makatákuton. ;effeminate.
babayinhon. ; handicapped person.
tawong may kanìnan.


;communicable diseases.
hilang na nakakaulakit kahilangán. ;athlete's foot.
makulóg na ngipon. makulóg na payó. ;bone fracture.

Spatio-temporal dimensions

These words are adjectives that begins with ha- and used only to refer to spatio-temporal dimensions.

Bicol English
halangkáw tall
hababâ low
hararom deep
hababaw shallow
halìpot short
halabà long (spatial)
harayô far
haraní near
hayakpít narrow
halakbáng wide
halawig long (temporal)
halóy long (temporal)


;weather condition.
kamugtakan kan panahon. saldang. (Bicol-Naga) aldaw. (Bicol-Legazpi) ;It's stormy.
nagbabagyó. ;It's hot. I don't feel comfortable.
maalingahot. maalingahuton. magayón an panahon. magayunon an panahon. dalugdóg (Bicol-Legazpi) daguldól (Bicol-Naga) ;fullmoon evening.
banggíng bulanon. ;starry night.
banggíng mabituon. ;moonless night.
;wind. :parós. (Bicol-Legazpi)
duros. (Bicol-Naga) ;cloud. :dampóg. (Bicol-Legazpi)
panganuron. (Bicol-Naga) ;It's cloudy. :madampóg.


;Leave me alone. :Pabayai saná daw ako.
;Don't touch me. :Daí mo ako pagdùtan.:Daí mo ako pagkaputan
;Help. :Tabang!

Tabangi ako!

;I need your help. :Kaipuhan ko an tabang mo.
;police. :pulis.
;Call the police. :Umapód ka ki pulis. (Bicol-Legazpi)

Umapód ka nin pulis. (Bicol-Naga) Magbura ka ning Pulis. (Northern Catanduanes) Apudi an pulis ;I'm lost. :Nawáwarâ ako. (Bicol-Naga)
Náwawarâ ako. (Bicol-Legazpi) Pagar ako.(Northern Catanduanes) Paoy na ako ;I'm not feeling well. :Malain an pagmatì ko.
;I can't sleep. :Daí ako nángangaturog.
Daí ako makakaturog nin marhay. (Bicol-Naga) Daí ako makakaturog nin marhay. (Bicol-Legazpi) Mae ako naka-katorog nin turtor. (Northern Catanduanes) ;I can't eat. :Daí ako makakaon. (Bicol-Legazpi)
Daí ako makakakan. (Bicol-Naga) ;I have headache. :Makulóg an payó ko.
Mahapduson yong uro ko. ;I'm hungry. :Nagugutom ako. (Bicol-Naga)
Napupunaw ako. (Bicol-Legazpi) Pipunaw ako. (Bicol-Legazpi) ;I'm thirsty. :Pipahà ako.
;I ran out of money. :Warâ na akong kwarta. (Bicol-Legazpi)
Mayò na akong kwarta. (Bicol-Naga) Mâ na akong kwarta. (Bicol-Naga) ;I lost my bag. :Náwarâ su bag ko. (Bicol-Legazpi)
Náwarâ si bag ko. (Bicol-Naga) ;I lost my wallet. :Náwarâ su pitaka ko. (Bicol-Legazpi)
Náwarâ si pitaka ko. (Bicol-Naga) ;I lost my cellphone. :Náwarâ su selpon ko. (Bicol-Legazpi)
Náwarâ si selpon ko. (Bicol-Naga) ;Where's the nearest hospital? :Saín an pinaka-haraníng hospital?
;I have a knife.
Igwá akong kutsilyo. ;I don't have a knife.
Warâ akong kutsilyo. (Bicol Legazpi) Mayò akong kutsilyo. (Bicol Naga) Mâ kong kutsilyo (Bicol Naga)


;dog. :ayam.
;puppy. :idò.
;cat. :ikós.
;chicken. :manók.
;chick. :siwô.
;pig. :uríg.
;frog. :talapáng.
;goat. :kandíng.
;centipede. :ulaypan.

;worm. :ulod.
;fish. :sirâ.
;boar. :dùlag.
;sow. :butakál.
;piglet. :litson.
;pigpen. :tangkál.
;piggery. :urigan.
;hen. :gùnakan.
;rooster/cock. :sulog.
;butterfly. :kalibangbáng.
;turtle. :bahô.

;catterpillar. :atitìras.
;beetle. :kalibubog.
;bee. :sugód.
;octopus. :kanuos.
;shrimp. :buyód.
;anchovy. :bulinaw
;monkey. :ukáy. (Bicol-Legazpi)

amô. (Bicol-Naga) ;snake. :halas.
;house lizard. :tagáw.
;crocodile. :buaya.
;bird. :bayóng. (Bicol-Legazpi)
gamgám. (Bicol-Naga) ;buffalo. :karabáw. (Bicol-Legazpi)
damulag. (Bicol-Naga) ;rat. :kinô.
;spider. :lawà.
;earthworm. :alulunti.
;monitor lizard.
;baby animal.

Romantic words and phrases

;I love you.
Namumùtan taka. Padabà taka. (Bicol-Legazpi) Padangat taka. (Bicol-Naga) ;I love you too. :Namumùtan taka man.
Padabà taka man. (Bicol-Legazpi) Padangat taka man. (Bicol-Naga) ;love. :pagkamuot.
batà. (Bicol-Naga) piday. (Bicol-Legazpi)

;spouse. :agóm.
;child. :akì.:igin
;children. :mga akì.
;pregnant. :badós.
;kiss. :hadók.
;hug. :kugos.
;You are beautiful. :Magayón ka.
;You are very beautiful. :Magayunon ka.
;You are handsome. :Gwapo ka.
;You are very handsome. :Gwapuhon ka.

Gwapuhunon ka.


;emotion. :emosyon.
;cry. :hibî.
;anger. :dagit. (Bicol-Legazpi)

;happiness. :kaugmahan.
;sadness. :kamunduan.
;fear. :takot.
;funny. :makaulok.:makangirit
;frown. :murusót. (adjective)

murusot. (verb) ;I'm crying. :Naghihibî ako.
;I feel pity. :Makahirak.
Makahírakon. Nahihirak ako.

;It made me laugh. :Nágiulok ako.
;I was startled. :Nákigkig ako.:Nakilagan ako
;I am angry with you.

Dagít ako saimo. (Bicol-Legazpi) Anggót ako saimo. (Bicol-Naga) Naanggot ko saimo (Bicol-Naga) ;I am happy. :Maugmá ako.:Ugma ako
;I am very happy.
Maugmahon ako ;I am sad. :Mamundô ako.
;I am afraid. :Takót ako.
;I am going to get even with him/her.
Mábalos ako saiya. ;I feel shy. :Nasusupog ako.
;shameless. :daíng supog.
;I don't care. :Ano labot ko.
Indá ko saimo. ;I don't know. :Indá, daí ko aram.:Indá ko.
makalangkág. makalangkagon. ;It hurts my feelings.
Makulóg sa buót. Makulugon sa buót.

Family members

;family. :pamilya.
;couples. (husband and wife)
;lovers. (boyfriend and girlfriend)
magpiday. (Bicol-Legazpi) magkailusyon.

;father. :amâ.
;mother. :inâ.
;siblings. :tugang.
;older brother. :manóy. (Bicol-Legazpi) (old-fashioned)

mánoy. (Bicol-Naga) (old-fashioned) ;older sister. :manáy. (Bicol-Legazpi) (old-fashioned)
mánay. (Bicol-Naga) (old-fashioned)

;parents. :magurang.
;children. :mga akì.
;child. :akì.
;grand children. :makuapò.
;grand father. :lolo.
;grand mother. :lola.
;uncle. :amaón. (old-fashioned)

;aunt. :inaón. (old-fashioned)
;spouse. :agóm.
;cousin. :primo (male cousin)
prima (female cousin) primuhon/primahon. ;Nonoy. (also Noy)
common name for a male child. ;Nenè. (also Nê)
common name for a female child. ;Boboy. (also Boy)
common name for a male child. ;Bebe. (also Be)
common name for a female child. ;niece. :sobrina. (old-fashioned)
;nephew. :sobrino. (old-fashioned)
;brother-in-law. :bayaw.
;sister-in-law. :hipag.
;parents-in-law. :byinan.
;eldest child. :matuá.
;youngest child. :nguhód.
;female best friend.
;male best friend.
kaibahan. (Bicol-Naga) kairibanan. (Bicol-Legazpi)

Fruits and Vegetables

;string beans.
hanták. (Bicol-Legazpi) balatong. (Bicol-Naga) ;winged beans.
parupagulong. ;old leaves.
;Moringa oleifera.
;camote tops.
ugbós nin kamote. ;taro leaves.


There exist two names for the numbers in Bicol. The native Bicol and the Spanish names. Generally, Bicolanos use the Spanish terms if they are talking about time. You will, however, see the native terms if you would read literary books. If you are going on a shopping, prices are given in Spanish names.
;one-half. : kabangâ
;one. : sarô
;two. : duwá
;three. : tuló
;four. :apát
;five. : limá
;six. :anóm
;seven. :pitó
;eight. : waló
;nine. : siyam
;ten. :sampulò
;fifteen. :kaglimá
;twenty. :duwampulò
;twenty-five. :duwampulò may lima
;thirty. :tulumpulò
;thirty-five. :tulumpulò may lima
;forty. :apát na pulò
;forty-five. :apát na pulò may lima
;fifty. :limampulò
;fifty-five. :limampulò may lima
;sixty. :anóm na pulò
;sixty-five. :anóm na pulò may lima
;seventy. :pitumpulò
;seventy-five. :pitumpulò may lima
;eighty. :walumpulò
;eighty-five. :walumpulò may lima
;ninety. :siyam na pulò
;ninety-five. :siyam na pulò may lima
;one-hundred. :san gatós


Clock time

;one o'clock AM. :ala una nin máaga/máumagahon.
;two o'clock AM. :alas dos nin máaga/máumagahon.
;three o'clock AM. :alas tres nin máaga/máumagahon.
;four o'clock AM. :alas kwatro nin máaga/máumagahon.
;five o'clock AM. :alas singko nin máaga/máumagahon.
;six o'clock AM. :alas says nin pagkaaga.
;seven o'clock AM. :alas syete nin pagkaaga.
;eight o'clock AM. :alas otso nin pagkaaga.
;nine o'clock AM. :alas nuwebe nin pagkaaga.
;ten o'clock AM. :alas dyes nin pagkaaga.
;eleven o'clock AM. :alas onse nin pagkaaga.
;twelve o'clock noon. :alas dose nin pagkaudto.
;one o'clock PM. :ala una nin pagkahapon.
;two o'clock PM. :alas dos nin pagkahapon.
;three o'clock PM. :alas tres nin pagkahapon.
;four o'clock PM. :alas kwatro nin pagkahapon.
;five o'clock PM. :alas singko nin pagkahapon.
;six o'clock PM. :alas says nin pagkabanggi.
;seven o'clock PM. :alas syete nin pagkabanggi.
;eight o'clock PM. :alas otso nin pagkabanggi.
;nine o'clock PM. :alas nwebe nin pagkabanggi.
;ten o'clock PM. :alas dyes nin pagkabanggi.
;eleven o'clock PM. :alas onse nin pagkabanggi.
;twelve o'clock midnight. :alas dose nin matangâ.
;half-past one. :traynta minutos makalihis an ala una nin pagkahapon.


;_____ minute(s). :_____ minuto(s).
;_____ hour(s). :______ oras.
;_____ day(s). :____ aldaw.
;_____ week(s). :____ semana.
;______ month(s). :____ bulan.
;_____ year(s). :____ taon.


Names for days are borrowed from Spanish.
; today : ngunyan (ngoon-YAN )
; yesterday : kasuugma (. , in Legazpi). kasuhapon (cah-soo-HAH-pohn, in Naga)
; tomorrow : sa aga (sah AH-ga)
; this week : ngunyan na semana (. )
; last week : kan nakaaging semana (. )
; next week : sa masunod na semana (sa MA-sooh-nohd na seh-MAH-na), sa maabot na semana (sa MA-ah-bot na seh-MAH-nah), sa otro semana (sa ; Monday : Lunes (LOO-nehs)
; Tuesday : Martes (mahr-TEHS)
; Wednesday : Miyerkules (mee-yehr-cooh-LEHS)
; Thursday : Huwebes (hoo-WEH-behs)
; Friday : Biyernes (bee-YEHR-nehs)
; Saturday : Sabado (sa-BAH-do)
; Sunday : Domingo (doh-MIHNG-goh)


The names of the months are borrowed from Spanish language.
;January :Enero
;February :Pebrero
;March :Marso
;April :Abril
;May :Mayo
;June :Hunyo
;July :Hulyo
;August :Agosto
;September :Setyembre
;October :Oktubre
;November :Nobyembre
;December :Disyembre

Writing time and date

Concept of time

;dawn. :máaga. (Bicol-Legazpi)
máumagahon. (Bicol-Naga) ;dusk. :mábanggi.
;later. :atyán;

;lately. :kasubàgo.
;everyday. :aroaldaw
;every night. :burubanggi
;tonight. :ngunyan na banggi
;always. :pirmí.
;sometimes. :nugád. (not much preferred)