In C programming, a Pointer variable stores memory address of another variable, pointing to where other variable resides in memory. Pointer variables Provide direct access and manipulation of memory, enhancing code flexibility and efficiency.
Every variable is assigned a specific memory location, allowing the program to store and retrieve data. This memory can be conceptualized as a contiguous sequence of bytes, each with a unique address. Let’s see how an variable is stored inside memory.
Here, an integer variable var stores 13 at memory location 1001 and pointer variable ptr stores the memory location 1001 of var .
Though different data types require different amounts of memory to store a variable, all pointer variables require the same amount of memory for the memory address. The size of a memory address is architecture-dependent, with 64-bit architectures requiring 8 bytes , and 32-bit architectures requiring 4 bytes .
The declaration of a pointer involves specifying the data type it points to, followed by an asterisk (*) known as dereference operator. This asterisk indicates that the variable is a pointer.
data_type *var;
Pointers can be initialized by assigning the memory address of a variable to them. The address-of operator (&) is used for this purpose.
int var = 15; int *ptr = &var;
Here, when we assign &var to a pointer variable ptr it stores the memory address ( 1001 ) of the variable. Now, we can indirectly manipulate data in the address 1001 through ptr .
Dereferencing a pointer is accomplished using the dereference operator *. This operator, when applied to a pointer, retrieves the value stored at the memory address pointed to by that pointer.
#include int main() < int var = 13; int *ptr; // declaring pointer variable ptr = &var; // assigning pointer variable printf("Value at memory location %p = %d\n",ptr, *ptr); // retrieving data from memory location pointed by ptr return 0; >
Output: When we print value in ptr it prints a memory location in hexadecimal as it stores a memory location. But when we dereference it with * it prints the value in the memory location stored in it.
Depending on the types of data that pointer variables point to, they are mainly classified as follows,
A null pointer is a pointer that does not point to any memory location. It is often used to indicate the absence of a valid memory address. In C, a null pointer is represented by assigning the value NULL to a pointer.
int *ptr = NULL; // ptr is a null pointer
Void pointers, or generic pointers, are pointers that can point to objects of any data type. They can be casted to different types according to need. Thus, providing a way to achieve flexibility in handling different data types without explicitly specifying the type. But they can not be dereferenced.
#include int main() < float var = 13.0; void *ptr; // declaring pointer variable ptr = &var; // assigning pointer variable float *float_ptr = (float *)ptr; // type casting void pointer printf("Memory location %p\n", ptr); // retrieving data from memory location pointed by ptr printf("Value at Memory location %p = %.5f\n", float_ptr, *float_ptr); // retrieving data from memory location pointed by ptr return 0; >
Output: They are the pointers that point to specific data types like int, char, or float. These pointers are essential for efficiently manipulating and accessing individual elements of basic data types. Examples we have seen so far are mostly of this type.
int var = 13; int *ptr; // declaring pointer variable ptr = &var; // assigning pointer variable
Function pointers point to functions instead of data. They are particularly useful in scenarios where different functions need to be called based on certain conditions. They actually point to the code segment in the memory of the function it is pointing to, allowing the execution of the function through the pointer.
#include int add(int a, int b) < return a + b; >int main()Output:
A pointer to a pointer, also known as a multilevel pointer, stores the address of another pointer. This type of pointer is especially useful in dynamic memory allocation and multidimensional arrays.
#include int main()
Memory address stored in ptr2 = 0x7fffffffd998
Memory address stored in ptr1 = 0x7fffffffd994
Value stored in var = 13
Pointer arithmetic is different from other variables. Pointer arithmetic supports following operations,
Adding or subtracting an integer value to a pointer results in moving in memory by a distance calculated based on the size of the data type the pointer points to. For integers, pointers move 4 bytes.
#include int main() < int arr[5] = ; int *ptr = arr; long long x = (long long)ptr, y; ++ptr; y = (long long)ptr; printf("Number of bytes added = %lld", y - x); return 0; >
Output:We cam compare two pointers of the same type using relational operators. When comparing pointers, you are comparing the memory addresses they hold.
int arr[5] = ; int *p1 = &arr[2]; int *p2 = &arr[2]; if (p1 == p2) < printf("Pointers are equal.\n"); >else