Depositing Your Thesis

Before depositing your thesis you should ensure that you do the following:

In advance of handing in your 'Intention to Submit' form to your Graduate School:

After handing in your 'Intention to Submit' form to your Graduate School (i.e. before your viva):

Following the examination and completion of any required corrections:

Once you have done this, follow the steps below to deposit your thesis.

Instructions for theses that are to be made available immediately (no embargoes, no copyright restrictions)

You should hand in the hard bound print copy of your thesis to your Graduate School.

Instructions for theses where access is to be restricted, either due to an embargo or due to the inclusion of 3rd party copyright material

If you have been granted an embargo or if your thesis contains third party copyright material you do not have permission to include within the electronic version you should not deposit a copy of the full text of your thesis online. Instead you will provide a copy on a CD or memory stick. However, you do need to provide information about your thesis using the online deposit form:

What happens once you have deposited the thesis

Theses Service staff will check the information you have provided and add further details. If you have chosen to make your thesis available immediately with no embargoes it will appear in the repository shortly after deposit (assuming there are no problems with the file you have deposited - if there are you will be contacted). If you have been granted an embargo the full text of your thesis will not appear publicly until after this period has elapsed ; however, the details about your thesis, e.g. author, title etc. will be made publicly available at the point of deposit. If access to your thesis has been restricted for copyright reasons it will not appear in the repository at all unless you have also provided an edited version. A link will be created between the record for your thesis in the repository and the record for the print version of your thesis in the Library Catalogue. Finally, your College/School will be informed that you have undertaken all the necessary steps in the process.