Financial Aid

We are committed to helping undergraduate students, graduate students and their families find ways to make Santa Clara University affordable. Our financial aid programs help students and their families meet college costs each year.

Undergraduate students walking in the campus

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We are committed to helping undergraduate students and their families find ways to make Santa Clara University affordable.

Picture of a graduate student

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Students looking to continue their education in a graduate, certificate, summer, or non-degree program can qualify for aid.

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Financial Aid Resources

Our financial aid programs help students and their families meet college costs each year.

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73% of Santa Clara University students receive financial aid.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), is constructed to generate an idea of a family’s ability to pay for college. With so many factors to consider, and the rapidly changing economic circumstances of today, your FAFSA results may not be an accurate representation of your family’s current financial situation. If your family is experiencing hardship or have had a change in circumstance, please go to this link for further information regarding options you may have to appeal: Special Circumstances.

Apply for FAFSA

Free Application for Federal Student Aid Available Oct 1.

SCU's school code is: 001326

#DoublePell Initative

Santa Clara University joins universities across the country in celebration of this important type of federal aid. This long-established, need-based government aid program has helped students to pay for tuition and any other educational and living expenses directly related to the cost of attending college.

This year, Pell Grants supported approximately 7 million students (34% of all undergraduate students in the United States) including nearly 60 percent of Black students, almost half of Hispanic, American Indian or Native American students, and 30 percent of White students. This foundational grant ensures diversity in post-secondary education, as affordability is a disproportionate challenge for students of color.

To boost the grant’s purchasing power and help make college an option for more students who are currently in crisis, several universities and advocacy agencies are urging Congress to invest in and protect the Pell Grant program with the #DoublePell initiative. As Santa Clara University is part of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU), we are collectively supporting this initiative.

Please help us bring unique, impactful, individual narratives to the forefront of the #DoublePell debate. We are asking you to share your personal perspective on what the Federal Pell Grant program has meant to you.

Double the Pell

Santa Clara University, the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, along with additional higher education associations, organizations, and advocacy groups, are asking Congress to double the Pell Grant.