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How to Embed and Display PDFs in Joomla Articles

Written by IT Support Team Tuesday, 16 July 2013 Published in Website Design

PDF, Portable Document Format, is one of the most popular ways of representing documents nowadays. In the World Wide Web, PDFs are typically used as formats for electronic brochures, magazines, manuals and e-books. As website owners, there are instances that they need to display PDFs as part of their websites directly readable by viewers.

If you often find it tricky to embed PDF files on your pages, this article is especially written for you. You will be surprised how easy it is to do so.

Today, we will be using a very useful tool called ‘Enbed PDF’ by Heinelt. This nifty tool allows you to insert internal or external PDF files in your article.

Please make sure you have access in your Joomla Administrator and logged in.

  1. Download the plugin labeled ‘Enbed PDF’ following your Joomla version. You will be prompted to download the zipped file. Save it to a familiar location in your computer. Embed PDF
  2. In the Joomla Administrator area, go to Extension Manager and look for Upload Package File. Click ‘Choose File’ button and locate the plugin’s zipped file. After that, click Upload and Install button. PDF Embed
  3. Once installed, ensure that the plugin is enabled. To check that, Go to Extension Manager > Plugin Manager and enable Enbed pdf's.
  4. If enabled, you can start embedding PDF files to you Joomla article. To do this, upload your PDF file in your server or Google docs. Follow the format below when inserting PDF Files. Enbed PDF
  5. Save your article.