Property Tax Bands 2024

property tax

The LPT valuation bands and Local Property Tax rates (LPT) in Ireland changed in January 2022.
This was the first change since the Local Property Tax was introduced in 2013. ( After the short-lived Household Charge)
(NB – House prices increased by 94% between 2013 and the end of 2021 ).

Did The Property Tax Increase in 2022 ?

The full details of the current LPT Bands for 2024 and 2025 and the amounts are shown in the table below.

Note: Your Local Property Tax band will not be affected by any general increase or decrease in property prices during the period 2022 to 2025. The band will be based on the valuation as of Nov 2021.

If you buy a house after Nov 2021 and before Nov 2025 – then as long as the valuation done by the previous owner was accurate in Nov 2021, you do not need to update the LPT valuation even if you paid more than the LPT valuation.

How Much Is Property Tax in Ireland?

Table of LPT Valuation Bands and Rates for 2024 and 2025

LPT Bands2022- 2025
Valuation Bands
Tax Rates
LPT Band 10 - 200,00090
LPT Band 2200,001 - 262,500225
LPT Band 3262,501 - 350,000315
LPT Band 4350,001 - 437,500405
LPT Band 5437,501 - 525,00495
LPT Band 6525,001 - 612,500585
LPT Band 7612,501 - 700,000675
LPT Band 8700,001 - 787,500765
LPT Band 9787501-875000855
LPT Band 10875001-962500945
LPT Band 11962501-10500001035
LPT Band 121050001-11375001190
LPT Band 131137501-12250001409
LPT Band 141225001-13120001627
LPT Band 151312501-14000001846
LPT Band 161400001-14875002065
LPT Band 171487501-15750002284
LPT Band 181575001-16625002502
LPT Band 191662501 - 17500002721
LPT Band 20Over 1.75m2830+
Property Tax Amounts 2022-2025

NOTE: Each local authority can charge a lower or higher rate. They are allowed to vary the charge by up to 15% . For example, in 2022 Dublin City Council reduced it by 15%.

LPT on Higher Value Properties

Under the old rules, before 2022, properties worth more than €1 million were assessed on the actual value at 0.18% on the first €1 million and 0.25% on the portion above €1 million.

From January 2022 – For properties valued at between €1m and €1.75m (bands 12-19), a rate of 0.1029% is charged on the first €1.05m and 0.25% on the balance over €1.05m.

Properties worth over €1.75m, are charged a rate of 0.1029% on the first €1.75m of their value, with a higher rate of 0.3% on the property’s value over €1.75m.

How To Value Your House for Local Property Tax

  1. You can use the Residential Property Price Registeras a guide . It shows the sale prices of all of sale prices from 1st. January 2010 to date. There are no details about the type of house or the number of rooms, etc. Also – the price shown on the Register for brand new houses is exclusive of Value-Added Tax (VAT). If you are referring to the prices of new properties in your area to determine the LPT band of your own property, you should add VAT at 13.5%. You should keep a note of the properties on the Register that you use to determine the value of your own property.
  2. Revenue has an “Interactive Tool” you can use which indicates the average valuation band for properties by ‘Small Area’. ‘Small Areas’ are compiled on behalf of Ordnance Survey Ireland. There are about 18,600 Small Areas in Ireland, usually with 50 to 200 properties in each. More information here.
  3. You could get a valuation from an Estate Agent – but this could cost you in the region of €200

As long as the valuation used in November 2021 was accurate (to the best of your knowledge)- you do not need to update your valuation until 2025.

For example, if you add an extension which increases the property’s value, you do not need to update your valuation. The LPT charge is based on the value of your property as at 1 November 2021.

Your Local Property Tax band will not be affected by any general increase or decrease in property prices during the period 2022 to 2025.