Kenna Stimmel breaks girls and boys pole vault records: Ohio high school state track and field championships video, photos

The Margaretta senior's mark of 14 feet, 6.25 inches set the state record for girls and beat the school's boys record by a quarter of an inch.

Mike Swanson, SBLive Sports | Jun 4, 2022

<a href=Kenna Stimmel breaks girls and boys pole vault records: Ohio high school state track and field championships video, photos" />

Kenna Stimmel breaks girls and boys pole vault records: Ohio high school state track and field championships video, photos /

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Published Jun 4, 2022

Mike Swanson, SBLive Sports


Mike Swanson is the Trending News Editor for SBLive Sports. He's been in journalism since 2003, having worked as a reporter, city editor, copy editor and high school sports editor in California, Connecticut and Oregon.