Deal Terms Analysis

Post-Closing M&A Claims and Purchase Price Adjustments: Where Do They Stand Heading Into 2023?

Deal Terms Analysis

2022 PE-Buyer Deal Terms

Deal Terms Analysis

How M&A Advisors Use Deal Data to Improve the Due Diligence Process

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2022 M&A Deal Terms Study Update with Key Findings

Deal Terms Analysis

2022 M&A Claims Insights Report

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2022 Technology M&A Deals Special Report

Deal Terms Analysis

2022 M&A Deal Terms Study

Deal Terms Analysis

2021 Life Sciences M&A Study

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2020 M&A Claims Insights Report

Deal Terms Analysis

What to Make of the Great Hill Case – The M&A Bar is Not Yet in Agreement on How Best to Address Merger Agreement Privilege Issues

Deal Terms Analysis

2020 Review: COVID-19 Impact on M&A Transactions

Deal Terms Analysis

M&A Deal Terms & Trends Pre- & Post-COVID-19

Deal Terms Analysis

M&A: Who Owns the Attorney-Client Privilege After Closing?

Deal Terms Analysis

2020 Buy-Side Reps and Warranties Insurance Deal Terms Update

Deal Terms Analysis

A First Look at the Impacts of Coronavirus on M&A Transactions

Deal Terms Analysis

Life Sciences: Milestone Trends by Product Stage

Deal Terms Analysis

Life Sciences: Timeline of Milestone Payments

Deal Terms Analysis

Addressing Target Company Privilege in Merger Agreements Five Years after Great Hill v. SIG

Deal Terms Analysis

Beware of Exclusions When Defining Net Working Capital in M&A Transactions

Deal Terms Analysis

2019 Life Sciences Study Quick Reference Guide

Deal Terms Analysis

2019 Life Sciences M&A Study

Deal Terms Analysis

2018 M&A Claims Insights Report

Deal Terms Analysis

Understanding Changes in Shareholder Consent Requirements

Deal Terms Analysis

Impact of “Buyer Power Ratio” on M&A Deal Terms

Deal Terms Analysis

Clarifying When Attorneys’ Fees Constitute Damages

Deal Terms Analysis

M&A Conflict Waivers

Deal Terms Analysis

Do Carveouts to Caps Work the Way You Intend?

Deal Terms Analysis

Definition of Purchase Price


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